Fact Finder

These statistics relate to student accommodation in Waterford, Carlow and Wexford and the surrounding area that has been advertised on Studentpad

Statistics Overview

Total Properties:


Total Active Adverts:


Total Rooms:


Rooms Available:


Note: Statistics below are based on total adverts and are taken once daily. [Last Update: 13/09/2024 @ 23:28:41].

Agents/Landlords Currently Advertising
Last Update: 13/09/2024 @ 23:28:41

ReferenceName / Company
WITA481Mrs Kathleen Barry
WITA968Ms Lorraine Brennan
WITA108Ms Siobhan Brenner
WITA1058Mrs Aine Cassidy
WITA543Mrs Rose Collins
WITA915Mr Michael Corcoran
WITA1053Mr Andrew Curry
WITA962 Yvonne Daly
WITA1048Mr Pat Doogue
WITA591Miss Helen Duggan
WITA773Mrs Linda Dunne
WITA1017Ms Suzanne Faulkner
WITA1003Mr Tom Flanagan
WITA454Miss Fiona Gallagher
WITA975Mr Conor Golden
WITA1042Mr Paul Grace
WITA1052Ms Louise Graham
WITA617Mr & Mrs Martin & Maria Griffin
WITA1050Ms Neasa Guiney
WITA362Ms Susan Hogan
WITA992 Lisa Hurley
WITA717Mrs Eleanor Jordan
WITA615 Nivedyatha Jovin
WITA1041Ms Marie Kavanagh
WITA668Ms Linda Kelly
WITA1016Mrs Thelma Kennedypower
WITA721Ms Irene Kenny
WITA689Ms Orlaith Keogh
WITA642mr Mark Keyes
WITA229Mrs Mary Lonergan
WITA1049Ms Paula Mackey
WITA1025Ms Aoife Murphy
WITA1006Ms Claire Murphy
WITA742Miss Philippa OBrien
WITA316O'Connors Farm
WITA951Mr Sean Phelan
WITA956Mrs Joan Power
WITA41Mrs Barbara Power
WITA790Ms Brigid Quinn
WITA958Mr Paul Rooney
WITA814 William Rooney
WITA999 Trisha Stacey
WITA959Ms Edel Tobin
WITA439Mr Vincent Walsh
WITA1040 Leona Walsh
WITA270Rental Accomodation Wexford town Rental Accomodation Wexford Town
WITA26Ms Mary Whelan
WITA667Mrs Christine Williams